Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Ever heard about things which are cool and appaling at the same time? No, obviously (well apart from sach ka saamna.. and umm.. rakhi ka svayamvaar.. and umm.. big boss.. ..)

Neways, stumbled on this articles on wired.com.


Some bloke's just uploaded a blank page with no content and decided to sell the pixels on the page. And guess what.. people bought all the million pixels on his page!

check his page: www.milliondollarhomepage.com


  1. try putting links into the post that can lead directly to the article instead of just writing the address. would be easier for readers :)

  2. u find rakhi ka swayamvar cool and appaling??!!i can hardly bear to watch her in any kind of media(print or TV) for more than a minute

  3. @shruti: corrected :)
    @dhruvin: rest assured, i too find her appaling everywhere :D; just that i saw an episode recently. a guy got selected for that serial and boy were the relatives rejoicing, tilak puja and all :P
